• Certificate of Attendance: You will receive a certificate upon completion of this training program.

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD): You will receive 1.0 credit hour upon completion of this program.

About this Workshop

There’s a paradox in the world of innovation management. We’re used to thinking that innovation is about careful use of resources, channelling R&D spending, skilled people, good facilities and a well-organized knowledge base to continue to create value from ideas. Yet there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that sometimes it’s precisely the lack of resources, the severe constraints emerging under crisis conditions which lead to breakthrough thinking and successful radical innovation. This seminar will draw on experiences in the crisis-filled world of humanitarian innovation to explore some key themes.


Dr. John Bessant

Originally a chemical engineer, John Bessant has been active in the field of technology and innovation management for over 35 years. He is currently holds the Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter and has visiting appointments at the universities of Stavanger, Norway and Erlangen-Nuremburg, Germany. He is the author of 30 books and many articles on the topic and has lectured and consulted widely around the world. In 2003 he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy of Management.